Decrypt Stock Value and P/E

Decrypt Stock Value and P/E Multiples is a concept that deals with Stock Market Prices and based on those, it is possible to understand the Expectations P/E Drivers Built-in the Stock Market Price.

Decrypt Stock P/E is a Price to Earnings ratio / Price to Earnings multiple that deals with the Stock Market Prices, Price Earnings Multiple, Cost of Equity and Earnings Growth. Based on these it is possible to understand what P/E drivers are built in the Stock Price (Price Scenario) and build own Expectations in the Value Scenario and understand the gap that exists between Price and Value. This supports decision-making and helps the Investors and Businesses to determine whether a stock is Under Valued or Over Valued.

The Model Discounts the Future Earnings by the Cost of Equity (Discounted Future Earnings Model). This Module is primarily used to value Banking, Finance and Insurance Companies.

Please view the Video Link below to quickly learn how to Navigate the What’s Your Value and P/E Module.